Due to frequent use, bathroom fixtures gradually lose their original appearance. Rust often begins to appear inside the toilet bowl, causing aesthetic discomfort. Here are some ways to maintain cleanliness and preserve the attractiveness of your bathroom fixtures for as long as possible
Causes of rust
The appearance of rust on the surface of the toilet bowl is caused by a number of factors, the key one of which remains the increased concentration of iron salts in tap water. The solution to the problem is to purchase capsules or tablets that change the chemical composition of the water.
In many cases, the source of rust is ungalvanized steel pipes that have been used for a long time. The optimal solution is to add the above tablets to the cistern. If there is no proper effect, it will be necessary to install polypropylene or metal-plastic pipes.
Intensive appearance of stains contributes to the rough surface of the toilet bowl. In particular, this applies to faience copies. At the same time, porcelain toilet bowls are characterized by a smoother surface, which is not so strongly susceptible to contamination.
Rusty traces appear due to a leaking cistern. It is necessary to eliminate the fault as soon as possible, because otherwise the stains will soon appear again.
Removing rust with household chemicals
These tools include the following varieties:
Abrasive. This group includes agents whose cleaning effect is caused by the mechanical action of powder particles on contaminated areas. The substances are applied to the cloth or sponge, then intensively wipe the stain until it disappears. Despite the positive result, the cleaning process will take a long time. There is a high probability of damage to the integrity of the toilet surface by small sharp particles of powder.
Alkaline. Means of this group do not damage the surface of plumbing equipment. They should cover the stain, and after 10-15 minutes wash away the residue with water. It should be taken into account that alkaline household chemicals are powerless against embedded contaminants.
Acidic. Under the influence of these substances contaminants simply dissolve. They are excellent at handling various types of stains. It should be taken into account that the use of these means at home requires compliance with safety rules. Before cleaning, take care of the gloves. In the process, the chemically aggressive substance should be prevented from reaching the skin and eyes. Acids are suitable for both faience and porcelain toilets. In this case, it is necessary to abandon their use to remove stains from the enameled bath, because they dissolve the enamel.
Note! You should not simultaneously use different household chemicals. This can not only cause unpredictable chemical reactions, but also damage the surface of the toilet.
Folk recipes
Moisten the vinegar cloth and put on the contaminated area. After 30 minutes or an hour, this place should be well washed with water.
Mix peroxide and ammonia in a ratio of 1:10. The resulting mixture treat the stain and leave for several hours.
Cover the rust stains with oxalic acid. After an hour, you need to wipe this area moistened in a sponge of ammonia, and then rinse abundantly with water.
The contamination needs to be carefully poured with hydrochloric acid for several minutes and then rinsed well with water.
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